Shabbat & Minyan
At Makom Solel Lakeside, Shabbat services are a time to reflect, connect and learn. From a d’var Torah focused on the weekly Torah portion, to the Social Justice Shabbat service, each evening presents an opportunity to learn and to ‘reset’ for the week ahead. Friday evening prayers take place at 6:30pm in our sanctuary or chapel, and during the summer outside under our tent if weather permits and occasionally at parks, the beach, or someone’s backyard. Whether or not there is a Be Mitzvah service, there is always a Shabbat morning minyan that meets after Torah study on Saturday mornings on zoom at 10:20. We call our program for emerging teens "Be Mitzvah." Inspired by the words of Rabbi A.J. Heschel, "Just to BE is a blessing." Be Mitzvah is an inclusive, non-gendered, non-patriarcal name.
Shabbat Services
Shabbat Service at 6:30PM in-person and virtual.
Please join us for our family-friendly Friday night services. Join us for community, music, liturgy, and reflections from Rabbi Serotta, Rabbi Moffic and Cantor O'Brien.
Sharing Shabbat -First Friday of Each Month
Choir Shabbat -Second Friday of Each Month
Tikkun Olam Shabbat -Third Friday of Each Month
Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan on Saturdays at 10:15 am on Zoom.
We meet either virtually or in person at 10:15 am after Torah study is done. This is a lay lead service which includes both Mishaberach prayer for healing and Kaddish, Mourners’ Kaddish. Click here for infomation on Torah Study.
*Members can check their weekly Shabbat at Makom newsletter for the Zoom link. Please reach out to the office for assistance.
Mon, January 13 2025
13 Tevet 5785
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