Human Needs Fund
Human Needs Fund
Makom Solel Lakeside is a sacred community that strives to embody our shared Jewish values of empathy and compassion: as the Talmud teaches, "Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh - All of us are responsible for one another." (Shavuot 39a)
The Human Needs Fund provides emergency financial assistance to congregants facing unexpected financial challenges. On behalf of the congregation, the fund also provides financial support to various, primarily local, not-for-profit community organizations. The fund is overseen by the Human Needs Committee.
The mission of the Makom Solel Lakeside Human Needs fund is to provide financial support to:
- Makom Solel Lakeside members with emergency and/or one-time needs
- organizations that reflect Reform Jewish values
- social justice initiatives
- disaster relief efforts.
The Human Needs Fund works to prioritize its funding first to our congregants and then; a) organizations in the immediate geographical area of the congregations, b) organizations in the broader, regional geographical area and c) statewide and national organizations.
The Human Needs Fund is supported by congregant donations specifically designated for the fund. Contributions of any amount support the important work of the Fund.
Funding requests made to the Human Needs Committee may be made:
- by a clergy member on behalf of a congregant. The name of the congregant is NEVER disclosed to the committee members.
- by a congregant or Makom Solel Lakeside committee requesting financial support for a community organization or for a congregational initiative.
- by an organization requesting finanical support that meeds the requirements outlined above.