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Makom Solel Lakeside's caring committee is called the Chesed Circle of Makom Solel Lakeside and comes from within the Tikkun Olam Committee. Its purpose is to help others by performing acts of kindness by trying to make a difference! This will include: helping to provide local transportation to doctor appointments, Makom Solel Lakeside classes and services, the grocery store, assisting in bereavement, and illness. Assisting in bereavement can take on many components including consulting on Shiva and helping families with some logistics. 

We will also deliver holiday packages to our members in assisted living. We hope we can discover needs unanswered and invite our members to reach out to the committee or office if they are aware of a congregant who may need our service.

If you have any questions or would like to get more involved, contact Vanessa Ehrlich:

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784